Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The power of social media: H&M puts down the scissors

News about H&M slashing its new, unworn clothing spread like wild fire last week after this New York Times report hit the Web. People on Twitter and Facebook feverishly re-posted the link, adding fiery comments and refusing to shop retailer until changes were made. H&M was the second most discussed topic on Twitter that day.

The next day, H&M responded in a follow-up article: "We are committed 100 percent to make sure this practice is not happening anywhere else, as it is not our standard practice."

The company also addressed the issue on its Facebook page:

“H&M is committed to taking responsibility for how our operations affect both people and the environment. Our policy is to donate any damaged usable garments to charity. We’re currently investigating an incident in a NY store that is not representative of our policy. We will follow with more information as soon as we are able. H&M’s US sales operation donates thousands of garments each year through Gifts In Kind Int.”
I'm just glad H&M is taking measures to correct this very serious mistake.

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